Tagged: news

Council approves rezoning request

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

Sandpoint City Council approved a request last week to rezone part of a property near Sandpoint Airport from Industrial Technical Park to Residential Single Family.…

Idaho ranks last in census data

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

New census data paint a grim picture of Idaho education, with the state coming in last in per-pupil revenues and next-to-last in per-pupil spending.

According …

Physicians oppose Newport smelter

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

A coalition of physicians and health care professionals has issued an open letter opposing the proposed Newport silicon smelter.

Known as the Inland NW Physicians …

Tamarack Aerospace declares bankruptcy

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

Local company Tamarack Aerospace has declared bankruptcy in the wake of setbacks from aviation regulators.

Company officials say declaring Chapter 11 will give them time …

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