Freedom fades when leaders fail
By Lauren Necochea
Reader Contributor
Democracy is not guaranteed. Every generation must defend it. Today, we face the greatest threat to American democracy in modern history: Donald Trump’s second term. …
By Lauren Necochea
Reader Contributor
Democracy is not guaranteed. Every generation must defend it. Today, we face the greatest threat to American democracy in modern history: Donald Trump’s second term. …
By Kyle Pfannenstiel
Idaho Capital Sun
State lawmakers on Jan. 29 introduced a bill that would let the Idaho governor veto laws passed directly by voters.
The bill by Rep. …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
By the third paragraph of Idaho Gov. Brad Little’s annual State of the State address on Jan. 6, it became clear that we can expect …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
The Lakes Commission is ringing in the new year with a meeting Thursday, Jan. 9, featuring updates on the replacement of spillway gates at Albeni …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
Commissioner-elect Brian Domke has rejected an appointment to serve out the remainder of current Dist. 1 Commissioner Steve Bradshaw’s term — which ends Monday, Jan. …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
The Bonner County Republican Central Committee passed a resolution Dec. 17 to appoint Commissioner-elect Brian Domke to District 1 Commissioner Steve Bradshaw’s seat, despite Bradshaw’s …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
The Bonner County Republican Central Committee nominated three candidates to replace Dist. 1 Bonner County Commissioner Steve Bradshaw in a special session called Nov. 19 …
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint
Reader Contributor
Idaho Gov. Brad Little flew into our area Aug. 29 for a “Capitol for a Day” event in Priest River. Before and after …
By Reader Staff
Idaho Gov. Brad Little will be in Priest River for the next “Capital for a Day” event, which will take place Thursday, Aug. 29 from 10 a.m. …
By Mia Maldonado
Idaho Capital Sun
Maegan Hanson became a librarian because of her love of reading. Her favorite part of her job is helping people discover their next favorite …
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