Looking toward a more resilient Sandpoint
Katie Botkin
Reader Contributor
Los Angeles may be 1,200 miles away, but its wildfires still have many in Sandpoint asking “what if it happens here?”
The Southern California fires are …
Katie Botkin
Reader Contributor
Los Angeles may be 1,200 miles away, but its wildfires still have many in Sandpoint asking “what if it happens here?”
The Southern California fires are …
By Reader Staff
Bonner General Health recently announced the launch of its new transitional care program, also known as “swing beds.”
A successful survey of BGH from its accrediting organization …
By Jen Jackson Quintano
Reader Columnist
“Abortion is health care.”
These words came from the lips of Sandpoint’s own Dr. Amelia Huntsberger, as she testified to the Senate Finance Committee …
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Dover
Reader Contributor
I hope your summer is going well. The lake is up and warm, the skies are mostly clear, we have had a little …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
It’s Fourth of July week, and I watch familiar scenes unfold like a Wes Anderson film, one whip pan after another. The woman stocking up …
By Rep. Lauren Necochea, D-Boise
Reader Contributor
Maya Angelou famously said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Similarly, when politicians vow to take away …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
I was at mile 17 of my 26-mile mountain marathon when the straps on the backpack started to feel like they were chafing. By the …
By Patty Hutchens
Reader Contributor
As a registered nurse, Sandpoint native Kelli Hansen has cared for countless people her entire career, and done so with deep compassion and a love …
By Mike Turnlund
Reader Contributor
Sometimes we get the question wrong. In the arena of public discussion, where ideas are shared, debated, and often argued over, every topic under the …
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