Tagged: downtown sandpoint

Electric car charger enters service

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

An electric car charger at Jeff Jones Town Square is operational after its installation two weeks ago. 

According to City Administrator Jennifer Stapleton, the new …

Food court is called to order

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

To be a town known for its food, variety is key. In Sandpoint, a microcosm of that variety can be found at the Oak Street …

Sponsor a downtown flower basket

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

When Sandpoint’s Business Improvement District dissolved, so did the funding for downtown’s iconic flower baskets.

To keep the bright tradition going, the Sandpoint Shopping District …

Cedar Street Bistro celebrates 10 years

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff Writer

Crepes, sandwiches, espresso, stone-baked pizza, quiche, traditional Italian ice cream — you dream it up, the Cedar Street Bistro makes it, and likely from …

Pedro’s closing its doors

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

After 12 years in business, Pedro’s is closing its doors. Owners Lisa and Ken Larson first opened Pedro’s in the Cedar St. Bridge 12 years …

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