Cedar St. Bridge sold to new owner
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
The Cedar Street Bridge is under new ownership following its sale to a Florida investor.
Realtor Jeff Bond confirmed this week that he negotiated a …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
The Cedar Street Bridge is under new ownership following its sale to a Florida investor.
Realtor Jeff Bond confirmed this week that he negotiated a …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
David DaVinci is known as a world-champion magician who thrills his audiences with daring illusions, but locals have a chance to experience the comedic side …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff Writer
Crepes, sandwiches, espresso, stone-baked pizza, quiche, traditional Italian ice cream — you dream it up, the Cedar Street Bistro makes it, and likely from …
By Drake the Dog
Reader Pet Columnist
Where am I taking my humans today? It’s been an interesting couple of weeks, seeing my life flash before me. It’s time to …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
The Cedar St. Bridge is about to return to its roots.
Owners Cindy and Jeff Bond are excited to announce the launch the Cedar St. …
By Drake the Dog
Reader Pet Columnist
Where am I taking my humans on this crazy day in Sandpoint?
The Mister and Missus woke me up at o-dark-hundred. Hence my …
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