Residents asked to weigh in on Bonner County’s rural character
By Susan Drumheller
Reader Contributor
“Rural” is difficult to define, but how to protect that character is at the heart of the debate over the future Land Use Map for …
By Susan Drumheller
Reader Contributor
“Rural” is difficult to define, but how to protect that character is at the heart of the debate over the future Land Use Map for …
By Roger and Sandy Sparling
Reader Contributors
On Oct. 20, 2022, the Bonner County Zoning commissioners recommended approval of a zone change for the corner of Vay and Dufort roads. …
By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff
An amendment to Bonner County land use planning code meant to stop the rezoning of properties into higher densities saw its May 25 public hearing …
By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff
When it comes to bureaucratic battles, little else inspires the masses to assemble quite like a land use issue.
One slated to come before the …
By Susan Drumheller
Reader Contributor
Skip Lassen and Jenny Post, like many rural North Idaho residents, found their dream homes in the woods, miles from town.
Lassen’s home is off …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
Sandpoint Council members delayed a declaration of support for a greenprint report on Wednesday following a backlash from several individuals.
Pitched as a report to …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
A newly released report finds both disagreements and common ground among Bonner County property owners when it comes to land use issues.
Conducted by the …
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