Sandpoint Summer Series concludes with local blues jam

By Reader Staff

The fifth-annual Sandpoint Summer Music Series will wrap up Thursday, Sept. 12 with a local’s night at Sandpoint’s Farmin Park featuring John Firshi and the Monday Night Blues Crew. The free concert begins at 6 p.m. and is open to all ages. Gates open at 5 p.m. 

Known for their long-running public jam every Monday night at Eichardt’s Pub, the Blues Crew specializes in a loose and groovy collection of jams that span genres. Firshi is an accomplished guitarist who is comfortable playing anything from the Grateful Dead to the blues, and the other players who share the stage with him will provide one last night of dancing in the park until next summer.

7B Origin will be serving non-alcoholic beverages and Eichardt’s Pub will handle the adult drinks.

The Sandpoint Summer Music Series started in 2019 and has consistently attracted 300-500 people every show. Spearheaded by Robb Talbott at Mattox Farm Productions, the series is made possible by local sponsors, including: The Pend Oreille Arts Council, Washington Trust Bank, KPND Radio, Selle Design Group, the Heartwood Center, The Novas at Evergreen Realty, the Sandpoint Reader, Spruce Property Care, Ting, the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce, Connie’s Cafe, North Root Architecture, The Mycelium Collective and Misty Mountain Furniture.

6 p.m., gates at 5 p.m., FREE. Farmin Park, on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Oak Street in downtown Sandpoint,

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