By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
It’s amazing how fast 10 years goes by. At this time in December 2014, I was frantically putting together the relaunch of the Sandpoint Reader after it went out of print in 2012. I had asked several friends their opinions on whether they thought it was a good idea to bring back the newspaper, and almost every one of them told me, “Don’t do it!”
Bucking their helpful suggestions, I forged ahead and, with the help of co-owner Chris Bessler and then-Editor-in-Chief Cameron Rasmusson, we published the first edition of the second iteration of the Reader on Jan. 22, 2015.
A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. We’ve had some successes and quite a few failures. We’ve received some of the most heartwarming accolades from our readers and also death threats and hate mail that made us wonder why we chose this profession. As with many things in life, I don’t regret any of it.

The Reader crew, past and present at Matchwood Brewing Co. at the Sept. 20 release party for the “Drink the Reader” community can. From left to right: John Reuter (former publisher), Cameron Rasmusson (former editor), Ben Olson (co-owner, publisher), Soncirey Mitchell (staff writer) and Zach Hagadone (editor). Photo by Woods Wheatcroft.
While this is the 10th anniversary of the second iteration of the Reader, it also marks the 20th year since the Reader published Vol. 1 No. 1 in on Dec. 24, 2004, under the leadership of co-founders Zach Hagadone (who is current editor-in-chief), Chris DeCleur and John Reuter. If you subtract the two-plus years we were out of print from 2012-’15, we’re actually somewhere around 18 years old, which means we’ve pushed out almost 1,000 editions.
It’s hard to describe how much work it takes to put together one edition, let alone 1,000. Let’s just say I had fewer gray hairs in my beard when I started.
To celebrate these milestones, we’re throwing a community party Thursday, Jan. 16 from 5-8 p.m. at Matchwood Brewing Co. (513 Oak St., in Sandpoint). All are invited, and we’ll have free appetizers available for partygoers.
The night will be a celebration not just of our little endeavor, but of the entire idea of the independent press. There will likely be a few sappy speeches from some of us; but, for the most part, it’ll be a chance to connect with our readers and contributors and thank you for making the Reader a part of North Idaho life for damn near a generation.
No need to RSVP, just come to Matchwood and have some beers and free grub with us. (We’ll cover the food, but you’re on your own with paying for drinks.)
The evening will also be the last night you can purchase Drink the Reader community beers, a fundraiser where Matchwood donates proceeds from every four-pack sold to the Reader. After this night, the beers will no longer be made available, so be sure to grab a few while you still can. Special thanks to Matchwood Brewing Co. for honoring our newspaper with such a cool beer label.
If you can’t make it to the event, rest assured that we count our lucky stars to have such a vibrant group of readers who strive to live up to our motto: “Support an informed community.” We believe in that and we hope you do, too.
Thanks for 10, 20 or 18 years, however you slice it. We’re happy to be a part of your lives.
While we have you ...
... if you appreciate that access to the news, opinion, humor, entertainment and cultural reporting in the Sandpoint Reader is freely available in our print newspaper as well as here on our website, we have a favor to ask. The Reader is locally owned and free of the large corporate, big-money influence that affects so much of the media today. We're supported entirely by our valued advertisers and readers. We're committed to continued free access to our paper and our website here with NO PAYWALL - period. But of course, it does cost money to produce the Reader. If you're a reader who appreciates the value of an independent, local news source, we hope you'll consider a voluntary contribution. You can help support the Reader for as little as $1.
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