Party on, Sandpoint

Apple Fest and Harvest Fest bring double the joy

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

Downtown Sandpoint hosts two fall festivals on Saturday, Oct. 14: Apple Fest and Harvest Fest. From Farmin Park to City Beach, Shopping District members have gone all out for Apple Fest with apple-themed food and activities, as well as special sales. Eat your fill of caramel apples and a dozen other fall goodies and then wash them down with fresh apple cider.

There’s even an apple pie contest at Creations to support educational activities for local kids. The apple catapult on the east side of the Cedar Street Bridge will be a highlight for children and parents alike. For $5, contestants can hurl five apples at the floating targets in Sand Creek — hit the bullseye and win a cash prize.

Visit six businesses anytime from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to fill out your Apple Fest bingo card and enter for a chance to win $250 in gift cards. With unique activities in every shop, it’s the perfect Saturday outing for the whole family.

While you’re downtown, come celebrate the end of the Farmer’s Market’s 35th season and stock up on fresh produce and holiday gifts at the annual Harvest Fest.

Photo by Ben Olson.

“The 2023 season was fantastic. We had a full roster of vendors and saw the Wednesday market start to get even busier,” said Market Manager Kelli Burt. “We had some really amazing new vendors, and of course, our returning vendors are always the pillars that keep the market solid.”

Live music and face painting are just a few of the highlights that will accompany a host of local vendors from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Alana Eckhart will also give the final installment of her monthly cooking demonstration — Taste of the Market — where she’ll prepare a recipe using ingredients sold at the market that day.

Bring a donation to the Bonner Community Food Bank to receive a free raffle ticket and a chance to win a basket full of treasures and treats from area vendors.

This Harvest Fest also marks the end of Kelli Burt’s tenure as market manager.

“I’m leaving after five amazing years to focus on my family. It’s been a wild ride — I was pregnant with my oldest my first year at the market and had him in August. He was in attendance shortly after, wrapped to me while I worked the booth,” she said. 

Burt’s second son was the same, and both have spent nearly every Saturday Market with her under the leaves of Farmin Park’s maple trees.

“It’s like one big family at the market, and every spring we’re all so happy to see each other and every fall we’re also happy to go into hibernation,” Burt said. “I am going to miss the early mornings watching everyone unload, catching up, joking and sharing stories and hugs. It’s a really special community that has formed within the market and I hope it continues for 35 more years.”

Apple Fest and Harvest Fest are FREE. For more information or for a list of activities by store, visit or

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