No one walks alone

Local NAMIWalk for mental health awareness and support

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

The National Alliance on Mental Illness Far North Idaho hosts its second annual walk along the Sandpoint Dover Community Trail on Saturday, Oct. 7, as part of the nonprofit’s mission to provide advocacy and education on the topic of mental health. 

NAMIWalks take place across the country and present opportunities to learn, share stories and enjoy the outdoors with fellow community members while raising funds to support local outreach initiatives. All donations earned from the walk will go toward free NAMI support and education programs in the community. 

“We ignite hope and connections for everyone impacted by serious mental health conditions,” stated Board Member Catherine Perusse in a news release. 

One in five adults in the U.S. live with mental illness, and for one in 25 that condition is severe. Preserving mental health is a unique challenge in places like Bonner and Boundary counties, which don’t have access to the same funding or resources as more urban areas.

As one of 1,000 affiliate members in the national nonprofit organization, NAMI Far North Idaho was founded to lessen that disparity and break the taboo surrounding discussions of mental illness.

“If we can destigmatize mental health issues in this tight-knit community, open dialogue can help people seek help without fear of judgment,” Dr. Dawn Mehra — president of NAMI Far North and co-founder of the VCA North Idaho Animal Hospital — told the Reader.

For instance, NAMI Far North partnered with VCA NIAH this year to raise awareness of the enormous benefits that pets can have on people’s lives.

“We want to highlight the heartfelt bond between humans and their animal companions, whether they are emotional support animals, service animals or simply cherished furry friends,” Mehra said. “This idea of nurturing the reciprocal relationship between pets and people resonates strongly with us; we take care of them, they take care of you.” 

Leashed pets are welcome to join the Oct. 7 walk, and attendees are invited to tour the VCA NIAH facilities to learn more about how animals are cared for.

The free community event also includes raffles, awards and live music from veterinarian Dr. Robert Pierce’s band One Dog Down. Local businesses and community members have donated the prizes and Evans Brothers Coffee will provide drinks.

NAMI Far North is grateful for presenting sponsor Ting and other local supporters — including Winter Ridge Natural Foods, VCA North Idaho Animal Hospital, Sandpoint Super Drug, Ponder Pickle Pad, and North Idaho Neurology and Bonner General Health — for making the walk possible.

The NAMIWalk begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 7 at the VCA North Idaho Animal Hospital. The event is FREE but donations are encouraged. For more information, call NAMI Far North at 208-597-2047 or visit

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