Category: Opinion


The Lumberjill

By Jen Jackson Quintano
Reader Staff

As the lone female on the crew, the bathroom situation is typically the most challenging for me. While the guys can simply sidle up …

Needs versus wants

By Helen Newton
Reader Contributor

Currently 15 cities in Idaho use taxing authority set up by the state for either resort city taxes or non-property local option taxes or both. …

The Lumberjill

By Jen Jackson Quintano
Reader Columnist

North Idaho recently made the national news cycle thanks to the fact that we’re currently rationing health care, operating under “crisis standards of care” …


  • Schools Deserve Support… Dear Editor, I am really weary of Dan and Kathy Rose alleging our school administrators are committing fraud by asking the voters to approve a school levy. The bottom line is that schools cost money to operate, and the state of Idaho does not adequately fund our schools. Do we want ...
  • Take Scotchman’s Off the Auction Block…… Dear Editor, Now that a Scotchman Peaks Wilderness Bill has been introduced in Congress, the question is raised again, “How will this affect our community?”  Studies have reliably shown an economic benefit to communities located near designated wilderness.  Does this mean large numbers of tourists from all over the world will ...
  • Support the Environment… Dear Editor, I indubitably support public lands. I indubitably support wilderness. I indubitably support Greenprint. I indubitably support the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. I grew up in Texas where there is no public land to speak of and developers have cart blanche to make a piecemeal out of the environment, and I tell ...
  • For Our Children… Dear Editor, I am the parent of a kindergarten student at Northside Elementary. In five years my youngest will also be there and I will have two kids in the Lake Pend Oreille school district. I am very committed to doing all I can to help my children and their schools ...
  • Schools Need Our Support… Dear Editor, My ability to write this letter and thoughtfully read this paper is due, in large part, to the efforts of public school teachers. Not able to afford private schools, I am a public school graduate. I imagine most adults my age (retired, fixed income) have had jobs and careers ...
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