Category: Opinion


The Lumberjill

By Jen Jackson Quintano
Reader Staff

As the lone female on the crew, the bathroom situation is typically the most challenging for me. While the guys can simply sidle up …

Needs versus wants

By Helen Newton
Reader Contributor

Currently 15 cities in Idaho use taxing authority set up by the state for either resort city taxes or non-property local option taxes or both. …

The Lumberjill

By Jen Jackson Quintano
Reader Columnist

North Idaho recently made the national news cycle thanks to the fact that we’re currently rationing health care, operating under “crisis standards of care” …


  • Kudos to Kramer… Dear Editor, I have a few “Bouquets and barbs” to Bonners Ferry! Thank you to the voters in Boundary County for primarily electing Dave Kramer as Sherrif! Mr. Kramer helped me personally at a time when I was having trouble. He is a very kind and strong person and we will be ...
  • Dubious Election… Dear Editor, The approval rating of Hillary Clinton is 42%, and Donald Trump is at 29%. That means that if the election was held today and it was between Hillary, Trump, and none of the above, the latter would win. In fact, I think many would write in “please God please,” ...
  • Dirty Politics… Dear Editor, I listened to “Face to Face” on KSPT today and heard Dan McDonald tell Chris Bessler, sitting in for Bob Wynhausen, that there were dirty politics in recent campaigning in Bonner County. I am only aware of one such incident. The “Face to Face” show on May 13 is being ...
  • Inexperience not a good thing… Dear Editor, Those angry citizens who favor “outsiders,” such as Donald Trump, and think political experience is a negative are wrong. Electing inexperienced candidates, such as tea party and other “no compromise at any cost” people is why Congress can’t get anything done. Our best presidents and elected representatives are those with ...
  • Potty crisis in a teapot… Dear Sandpoint, Sometimes our deepest feelings can be stirred in ways that can leave us all but blind. Thanks to Scarlette for settling the dust so we may see a little more clearly. As the father of two beautiful daughters, I take seriously Ted Cruz’s challenge of bathroom safety. Bamboo splints driven ...
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