Category: Opinion


RIP Betty White

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

By my reckoning, I’ve spent 11 of the past 16 New Year’s Eves in a newsroom, either partially or entirely abandoned, halfheartedly trying to do …

The darkest day, one year later

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Some dark deeds in American history will forever be associated with when they took place: Dec. 7, 1941; Nov. 22, 1963; Sept. 11, 2001. A …

Legislative preview 2022

By Sen. Jim Woodward, R-Sagle
Reader Contributor

The 2022 legislative session starts on Monday, Jan. 10 with the governor’s State of the State address, available online through Idaho Public Television. …

Home(s) for the holidays

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

The end of December is when many return home for dinners, gifts and gatherings of varying formality. No family looks the same and, often, the …

The art of nothingness

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

There is an art to doing nothing. In this workaday world dominated by how many items we can cram into our daily lives, some might …


  • SASi needs your help… Dear Editor, Thank you for your weekly publication. I so enjoy all the articles, photos, etc. I would like you to publish this letter asking for funds for the Senior Center. The Center is a 501(c) non-profit corporation and if anyone has not already tapped out on their contributions for the year, ...
  • An Appeal to Reason Redux… Dear Editor, Most proposed gun control laws would not address the concerns in the Deutchmans’ letter of last week. State and federal background checks of firearms purchasers are done by liscensed gun dealers, but we should require checks of private purchasers, and better address the missing mental/criminal records not currently available ...
  • Sandpoint should accept all colors, creeds, origin… Dear Editor, I’m new to Sandpoint. I moved here a little more than a year ago on a piece of advice from someone I barely knew at the time. Unlike many people who I have met here, I do not have a lifetime of history and experience in this place. Like ...
  • County land use woes… Dear Editor, I have been reading with concern the stories of firings and demotions in the county planning department, changes to the planning and zoning appeals process, and the growing loopholes for building location permits. Coming on the heels of a conversation with Commissioner Sudick regarding his disdain for the current codes, ...
  • The refugees are coming… Dear Editor, It doesn’t take much to bring the Chicken Littles outta the woodwork. Instead of screaming “the sky is falling”, these wussies are now screaming “the refugees are coming, the refugees are coming”. From our County Commissioners and Heather Scott to the Boise crowd, the political arena in Idaho is ...
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