Category: Opinion


A Few Thoughts … on Miracles

By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist

We’ve been arguing forever about how we became a species. True, some don’t argue. They just believe one way or another, or accept that they …

Grateful memories

‘Home’ is a moveable feast
By Zach Hagadone

Images of Thanksgiving — at least the idealized ones — are of tables loaded with food in cozy, home-feeling places that are …

Mike’s Corner: Holidays

By Mike Wagoner
Reader Contributor

You know how certain songs can get stuck in your head … maybe like … “Country Roads Take Me Home.” See … you just sang …

November surprise — Part 2

By Luke Omodt,
County Commissioner Dist. 3
Reader Contributor

On July 26, 2023, Sheriff Daryl Wheeler issued a public release incorrectly stating that the fairgrounds financial activity was to be …

November surprise — Part I

By Luke Omodt,
County Commissioner Dist. 3
Reader Contributor

On Oct. 30, 2023, Deputy Prosecutor Scott Bauer submitted a notice of tort claim asserting defamation against Bonner County Clerk Michael …


  • Why Does Idaho Pay For Healthcare Twice…? Dear Editor, Idahoans pay federal taxes that go to other states to help fund their Medicaid expansion programs. Then we pay taxes a second time to fund a program called CHCP. According to the Idaho Press Tribune, “Last year, the Idaho Legislature approved a request for $18 million for the Catastrophic ...
  • Me Too… Dear Editor, What was so shocking about my own “me too” story is that I thought I was unique. I was a badass tomboy, hardly victim material, so I thought I was immune to rape. I was a student firefighter living in a fire station at the time. When one of the ...
  • Get a Life… Dear Editor, Local gadfly Daniel R. has mounted his paranoid, conspiracy-seeking hobbyhorse again, this time accusing local notables of being socialists/communists. Apparently afraid of libel, he even declined to fully name Mindy Cameron, Jane Fritz, Bob Wynhausen, Chris Bessler and Dylan Benefield.  I could spend a good portion of my morning extolling ...
  • Regarding Oprah Winfrey for President… Dear Editor, Ben, I am writing with regard to your “Barb” last week in the Reader.  First, let me make myself clear. I am NOT advocating Oprah run for President of the United States. However, I believe you need to think this through before making such a strong statement against her ...
  • County is Misleading about Scotchman Vote… Dear Editor, I listened to the Jan. 10 KRFY morning program, during which they hosted county commissioner Dan McDonald. The bulk of the discussion was about the Bonner County Natural Resource Plan, to which I listened with interest, but when the discussion moved to the proposed Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, I was ...
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