A Few Thoughts… On Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce and world domination
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
Questions: Why does halftime at the Super Bowl last 100 years and feature stuff football fans have no interest in? Is it just me, or …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
Questions: Why does halftime at the Super Bowl last 100 years and feature stuff football fans have no interest in? Is it just me, or …
By Nancy Gerth
Reader Contributor
On Wednesday last I watched the Idaho House Health and Welfare Committee hear testimony on Bill 419, a bill sponsored by the Idaho Freedom Foundation. …
Rep. Lauren Necochea, D-Boise
Reader Contributor
All Idahoans should agree: The safety of our children is paramount. But how we decide to protect them may differ from community to community. …
By Jennifer Ekstrom
Reader Contributor
In a remarkable show of unity and determination last year, our community rallied against a proposed expansive marina at the mouth of Trestle Creek on …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
When Mike Judge’s film Idiocracy was released in 2006, it landed in a different world. This was years before a buffoon named Donald Trump started …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
Taste perhaps brings on the strongest evocation of memory, which, if you want to get all woo-woo, makes it the closest we can get to …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
As far back as the 18th century, the melting pot metaphor was used to describe the fusion of various cultures, nationalities, religions and ethnic groups …
By Chris Bachman
Reader Contributor
The Biden administration’s December 2023 announcement that it plans to protect old-growth trees from logging — such as those slated for removal in the Yaak’s …
By Idaho Lt. Gov. Scott Bedke
Reader Contributor
There is a killer in our midst, hiding in plain sight. The dangerous and highly lethal drug fentanyl has made its way …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
I’m approaching my seventh anniversary of living in Sandpoint. Upon my arrival, I had only the incredible surroundings, a new bartending gig and the online …
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