Legislative update
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint
Reader Contributor
Greetings. I hope all is well. The Legislature is in its 10th week of session. The introduction of bills has slowed but is …
By Rep. Mark Sauter, R-Sandpoint
Reader Contributor
Greetings. I hope all is well. The Legislature is in its 10th week of session. The introduction of bills has slowed but is …
By K.L. Huntley
Reader Contributor
I always loved the story of the young people participating in the Special Olympics in Seattle almost 50 years ago. It was the 100-yard dash, …
By Russell Mann
Reader Contributor
Idaho’s Republican presidential caucus revealed a disturbing reality: Over 93% of Republican voters in Idaho found themselves shut out, opting out or ill-informed about the …
By Mark Watson
and Rebecca Revak
Reader Contributors
The so-called caucus we received notice of for today at Northside Elementary in Bonner County did state a start time. It did …
By Rep. Lauren Necochea, D-Boise
Reader Contributor
Health care decisions should be made by Idahoans and their doctors, not politicians. In the 15 months following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision …
By Mayor Bob Giles
Reader Contributor
I’m compelled to let you know about House Bill 506, a proposed bill that would severely limit city councils’ ability to protect the health …
By Dan Gookin
Reader Contributor
Data is important. Especially in the realm of Idaho politics, where fear and innuendo dominate the landscape.
A case in point is found in the …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Pizza might just be the perfect food: it’s delicious at any time of day or night, tastes great hot or cold, and is just as …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
It’s been a bad run of years for a lot of reasons, but one particularly insidious trend has been eroding the substructures of civil society …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
At its most basic, The Holdovers reads like a Hallmark holiday special: an embittered, middle-aged man; a teenaged boy whose loneliness has honed the chip …
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