The Ladies of the Day: An encore
By Tim Henney
Reader Staff
My 1957 bride, Jacquelynn, and I once lived in Logan, Utah, a college town. The university president’s name was Kermit, like the famous frog. The …
By Tim Henney
Reader Staff
My 1957 bride, Jacquelynn, and I once lived in Logan, Utah, a college town. The university president’s name was Kermit, like the famous frog. The …
By Captain Bill Collier
Reader Contributor
VJ day was my second birthday. World War Two had ended. The evil Japanese Empire, Italian Fascists and German Nazis were defeated. Every Fourth …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
Once upon a time, my brother F.K. arranged a hike into a mountain lake, which several others fell victim to. Fishing King Compton would—and still …
By Scarlette Quille
Reader Columnist
When I was in third grade, I started riding the bus to school. This was was a critical point in my development. It was on …
By Nick Gier
Reader Columnist
Even the fierce free-marketeer Margaret Thatcher hesitated to do it. As international rail expert Brendan Martin described it: “She starved British Rail investment, but she …
By Drake the Dog
Reader Staff
Where am I taking my humans today?
I’m strolling downtown singing along with Pharrell Williams to his paw-stompin’ tune, “Because I’m Happy.” So on …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
I don’t know about you, but the natural environment is one of the biggest reasons Ben and I love living in Sandpoint. Even a total …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
A Sandpoint city candidate forum drew more than 100 people out Wednesday night to watch mayoral candidates Mose Dunkel and Shelby Rognstad square off on …
By Ray Miller
Reader Contributor
“If all you do as a coach is to teach the boys to play football, you’ll be a miserable failure.” Coach Cotton Barlow
It’s a …
By Scarlette Quille
Reader Columnist
Elk season: What does it mean?
To the average American, it is the time of year when it is legal to run around in the …
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