Tragedy of the common sense
By Tim Bearly
Reader Contributor
From a young age we are all inculcated with binary reasoning. An either-or form of logic which typically results in an excluded-middle (no in-between) paradigm, …
By Tim Bearly
Reader Contributor
From a young age we are all inculcated with binary reasoning. An either-or form of logic which typically results in an excluded-middle (no in-between) paradigm, …
By Tim Henney
Reader Contributor
The following is an unabridged journal of a conversation with my visiting kid brother, the late Christopher Clark Lewis, commuting on the Long Island Railroad …
By Jodi Rawson
Reader Contributor
On the swim team I covered myself entirely in a towel and only shimmied out of it before I jumped into the water. I changed …
By Bill Harp
Reader Columnist
If you spend a lot of time looking at geography using satellite and aerial images like I do, you quickly realize that there are very …
By Christian Rose
Reader Contributor
It would be nice to have a civil debate with a climate change proponent — old school. But this is proving impossible. So I won’t …
By Dianne Smith
Reader Columnist
Like many, I have spent years raising children and helping them thrive. After working three jobs, seven days a week for years to help pay …
By Jan Sarchio
Reader Contributor
I can’t be certain about the numbers. It is my gut, more than my calculator, that knows that the trees sing less, that the skies …
By Nick Gier
Reader Columnist
Americans crossing the far western Canadian-American border pass by the Peace Arch. The inscriptions read: “Children of a Common Mother,” “Brethren Dwelling Together in …
By Nick Gier
Reader Columnist
Protestants are going to have to accept the fact that we
have many similarities with our Catholic brothers and sisters
when it comes to how …
By Brenda Hammond
Reader Contributor
Back in the day — when Richard Butler of the Aryan Nations, Vincent Bertollini, the “11th Hour Remnant Messenger,” and others, were trying to spread …
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