Not all billionaires are bad dudes
By Tim Henney
Reader Contributor
A longtime friend, a California Republican—as I was back when the Grand Old Party was an organization of pride rather than impropriety and prejudice—was bitching …
By Tim Henney
Reader Contributor
A longtime friend, a California Republican—as I was back when the Grand Old Party was an organization of pride rather than impropriety and prejudice—was bitching …
By Scarlette Quille
Reader Columnist
There has been an issue puzzling me for several weeks now.
I try to avoid being sucked in to public discussions about other peoples’ life …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Columnist
Ever since you first saw Obi-Wan and Darth Vader cross lightsabers, you knew you wanted one, but you’ve been told your entire life that we …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Columinst
Brought to you by the Sandpoint Library
When I mention fungus, you probably have a wonderful mental image of Athlete’s Foot or Ringworm, or everyone’s …
By Tim Henney
Reader Contributor
“Be careful what you wish for” thought Ben Franklin as he flew his kite into a hot overhead electric line.Thought Julius Caesar over the Cobb …
By Louie de Palma
Reader Road Warrior
In the off-season of sleepy little ski towns, the streets are lonely and vacant. Nights such as these only yield two options: I’m …
By Scarlette Quille
Reader Columnist
It is difficult to assess a person’s true worth and motives.
There’s no telling if the person asking you out on a date or running …
By Louie de Palma
Reader Road Warrior
Somewhere in the dark, dusty abyss that is my closet, there sits a worn box. Inside are toy Chevron cars from years past. …
By Scarlette Quille
Reader Staff
I have always looked younger than I actually am. I have a big head, chubby cheeks, dimples and I am short. I have relied on …
By Louie de Palma
Reader Road Warrior
As we anticipate St. Patrick’s Day, we’re faced with an unusual question: Between the old-timey saints and modern miracle workers, whose stunt was …
The Sandpoint Reader is our town's local, independent weekly newspaper. "Independent" means that the Reader is locally owned, in a partnership between Publisher Ben Olson and Keokee Co. Publishing, the media company owned by Chris Bessler that also publishes Sandpoint Magazine and Sandpoint Online. Sandpoint Reader LLC is a completely independent business unit; no big newspaper group or corporate conglomerate or billionaire owner dictates our editorial policy. And we want the news, opinion and lifestyle stories we report to be freely available to all interested readers - so unlike many other newspapers and media websites, we have NO PAYWALL on our website. The Reader relies wholly on the support of our valued advertisers, as well as readers who voluntarily contribute. Want to ensure that local, independent journalism survives in our town? You can help support the Reader for as little as $1.