Gardening with Laurie: Color for later in summer
By Laurie Brown
Reader Columnist
The spikes of iris, billows of lupins, and even the glorious blooms of the peonies are done for the year — peonies done by the …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Columnist
The spikes of iris, billows of lupins, and even the glorious blooms of the peonies are done for the year — peonies done by the …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Columnist
Right now you’re probably seeing abundant flowers, but one brilliant orange tends to stick out from the billows of pinks, whites, and purples. Papaver orientale, …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Garden Columnist
Spring blooming bulbs can provide a glorious show, many blooming before many other plants leaf out. Sadly, many of us find them an exercise …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Garden Columnist
Autumn is officially here, which means some plants will start putting on a colorful show. The colors we see in the leaves now are …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Columnist
The days are noticeably shorter, the geese are flying south and there is a different feel to the air. It’s still officially summer, but autumn …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Columnist
It’s September, and the gardening season is winding down. Time to start putting things to bed, raking leaves, and… planting. Yes, planting.
It’s the perfect …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Columnist
Tea has been made and drunk for thousands of years. It’s the most commonly consumed liquid other than water. Technically, the only true “tea” is …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Columnist
A garden is a source of beauty and joy. The foliage, flowers and wildlife they attract add a lot to people’s lives. But a surprising …
By Laurie Brown
Reader Columnist
Black foliage is striking in the garden; it draws the eye. Because dark colors recede, black foliage can make the garden look bigger; put it …
By Dan Eskelson
Reader Columnist
The recent cool temperatures and welcome rains suggest the end of summer; I know many are saddened by the change, but I will not miss …
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