A peek behind the curtain

POAC’s Artists’ Studio Tour kicks off Aug. 30

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

The Pend Oreille Arts Council will give the community a peek behind the curtain with its annual Artists’ Studio Tour, Friday, Aug. 30 through Sunday, Sept. 1, featuring creative spaces throughout Bonner County. The free, self-guided tour runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and offers a chance to view the work of local artists within the studios and landscapes that inspire them.

“I think seeing an artists’ studio and getting a glimpse into their process deepens those connections,” said POAC Arts Coordinator Claire Cristy. “There is a story behind each piece. This event gives visitors the opportunity to hear those stories and take a piece home with them.”

This year, 19 artists specializing in different media — including painting, ceramics, fiber, photography and metal — will showcase their creations across 15 locations from Naples to Sagle and everywhere in between. Participants include Jenni Barry, Lucy West Binnall, Barry Burgess, Larry Clark, Don Fisher, Susan Gallo, Dave Gonzo, Daris Judd, Terrie Kremer, Lori Moore, Penny L. Ottley, Kim Powers, Ed Robinson, Connie Scherr, Jessie Watt, Mary Gayle Young, Tammy Zink and Linda and Ronald Gue.

“Each studio is unique to the artist who occupies it. Some are separate structures from the artists’ homes, and others work in their living rooms,” said Cristy. “If you’re the type of person who sees a beautiful or charming home and wonders what the inside looks like, this is a perfect event for you.”

With work for sale at each location, anyone looking to support the local arts community and walk away with a unique piece is sure to find something that catches their eye.

For detailed information on each artist and a map of the tour, visit artinsandpoint.org or drop by the POAC Gallery (313 N. Second Ave.) Monday through Saturday.

“There is always new work to see. Styles evolve and change so I would encourage visitors to stop by their favorites from last year to see what’s new,” added Cristy.

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