Learn how to use native plants in home landscaping with KNPS presentation

By Reader Staff

The Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society invites the public to a presentation on the basics of landscape design and how to incorporate beneficial native plants.

KNPS Landscape Committee Co-chair Gail Bolin will lead the event, which is scheduled for Saturday, March 15 at 10 a.m. in the Sandpoint branch of the East Bonner County Library (1407 Cedar St.). Coffee, tea and treats will be available starting at 9:30 a.m.

Bolin will explain what defines a native plant and describe the benefits of using them in home landscapes. 

Attendees will also learn about some of the most common native landscape plants and how they can be best utilized, as well as the steps of incorporating native plants into attractive garden displays and ecologically valuable landscapes in their home gardens.

Bolin has served as KNPS president and board Member, and is a member of the Idaho Master Naturalist Program. She also works part-time for the Bonner County Soil and Water Conservation District as the coordinator of the Pend Oreille Water Festival, an annual water resource education program for fifth-graders in Bonner County. 

She holds a master’s degree in environmental science from the University of Idaho and owns Earth Wise Northwest, an ecological landscape design company that specializes in native plant landscapes and wildlife habitat restoration.

The program is co-sponsored by the East Bonner County Library District and Sandpoint Parks and Recreation, and is free and open to the public.

For questions, contact Preston Andrews at [email protected].

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