The Straight Poop: Eve’s Leaves

By Drake the Dog
Reader Staff

Where am I taking my humans today?

It’s snowy night in Sandpoint, and I’m all decked out with a bright light secured on my red puffy coat. The staff has volunteered their pets to harness up the sleigh to take the Mr. and me to Men’s Shopping Night. On Zorro, Coco, Mo, Bridger, Barkley and Taz! On Gracie, Meiling, BB, Squeaky, Krutzy, Shaggy, Truffle and Cletus! Dash away, dash away, dash away all to Eve’s Leaves, located at 326 N. First Ave.

Marilyn Sabella with Drake.

Marilyn Sabella with Drake.


As I guide the sleigh, I can sniff out fashion and a dog friendly shop a mile away! Eve’s Leaves specializes in casually elegant, comfortable clothing for work, home and play. And any item can be paired with jeans.

We are greeted by Marilyn Sabella, who has owned the shop for over 35 years, and has been dog friendly from day one. Back in the day, Marilyn had a Golden Retriever, Oris. She lived only ten blocks from the shop, and there were no enforced leash laws. Mr. Oris would stroll downtown and visit Marilyn during the workday. Sometimes he would hang out, help her make a sale, visit with customers, or make the rounds and visit other friends downtown. Then he would walk home.During the holidays, the shop offers wine, chocolate, cookies and sparkling water for all customers. There is always a clean fresh water bowl and treats for the dogs.

No wonder why the scene at EL is so dog-gone friendly. All of staff all have four-footed children, who will be invited to Yappy Hour this summer. Marilyn has Zorro, a cat that thinks he is a dog. Her sister, Susan’s cat is Gracie, and Sonja has the cutest little black kitty, Coco. Mary, Judy have Shiatsu’s, Meiling and Princess Beatrice (BB) respectively. Mo, a Black Lab resides with Barbro, and Verna’s cat is Taz —short for Tasmanian devil! Corene’s family includes four Dachshunds—Squeaky, Krutzy, Shaggy and Truffle and a Bloodhound, Cletus. Betty’s Yellow Lab Bridger, is BFD with Barkley their kitty. And they are all moonlighting pulling the sled tonight!

Guys, to make your holiday shopping easier, dial in on this fashion trivia from Marilyn. She says, “In order to make a wardrobe work, you need just five tops for every pair of bottoms in your closet, and six, seven and eight are even better!”  This barking’ combo of separates makes getting dressed in the morning and packing for travel easier!”   Sonja has a container of magic pins (not treats for me), and she will alter any full price item at no charge.  When she lived in California, she made and designed costumes for Knott’s Berry Farm and Disneyland. And she created my white satin coat and bow tie for the Reader Benefit Concert!

As I sit on the floor looking in the full-length mirror adjusting my holiday bow tie, Marilyn is showing the Mr. items from Missus wish list. The Missus and I came in earlier in the week and she picked out the items that I gave a paws up to.  Now all the Mr. has to do is have another piece or two of chocolate, complete the transaction, take the complimentary wrapped packages home and put them under the tree! That was easy! Gift certificates are also available.  Woof! Woof! Cheers!

Eve’s Leaves doggie fashion rules:

•Wipe your paws on the welcome mat.

•Practice your ‘paws up’ technique—needed for instant fashion approval.

•Good inside behavior lowers shopping stress.

•Offer suggestions to accessorize outfits—check out the purses, scarves, hats, gloves, and jewelry….but don’t chew them.

•Have a great fashion experience, complete with a treat.

• Train for the runway!

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