The Sandpoint Eater:
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
Lately I’ve had several requests for my sweet bread pudding recipe. The truth is, this recipe, like many of my others, is predicated on …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
Lately I’ve had several requests for my sweet bread pudding recipe. The truth is, this recipe, like many of my others, is predicated on …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Staff
My first attempt at holiday candy making was nearly 50 years ago. I knew asking my mother’s permission to make some wonderful treats on the …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
In the past I’ve been able to convince most of my young, adorable grandbabes that there’s a very special, super-secret turkey farm where I …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Staff
A walk anywhere near a grocery checkout station can cause serious pre-turkey tension. At least a dozen magazines scream for your attention with persuading headlines, …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
For the past six or eight months, I’d tried to plan an annual sojourn to the Davenport Hotel with longtime Missoula friends, Lynda and …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
I was so disappointed I couldn’t attend last week’s local Dancing with the Stars, but I was pleased to hear that my friend and …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
I’ve just returned from my annual family retreat. We came, we gathered and we delighted in one another’s company. And before my last child …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Staff
The seventh season of the Sandpoint Community Garden is producing some bodacious vegetables. It’s a garden that nourishes our community; not only foodstuffs, but a …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Staff
I can’t wait for the opening performance of the Festival with Arlo Guthrie, and hopefully we’ll hear his famous anthem, “You can get anything you …
By Marcia Pilgeram
Reader Food Columnist
We’ve got some noteworthy waterfront eateries and watering holes around these parts.You can arrive at most by car or bike, but there’s nothing like …
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