On a powder day…
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
On a powder day, nothing else really matters.
It’s midweek and there are about five inches of fresh snow on the ground. The sun pokes …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
On a powder day, nothing else really matters.
It’s midweek and there are about five inches of fresh snow on the ground. The sun pokes …
By Tom Eddy
Reader Contributor
As we finish January — which is Skier Safety Month — and progress into the remainder of the winter season, it’s important to remember how …
By Reader Staff
Though there’s little to no snow in the lowlands, it’s time to grab your friends and family Friday, Jan. 10 to celebrate the local SnowSchool at the …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
After the last ski season tested everyone’s patience, Schweitzer is pleased to see signs of a big snow year. For their “preview weekend,” Schweitzer will …
By Reader Staff
“Stoke” is a word that we use during this time of year to describe the excitement leading up to the commencement of the snow sports season. We’re …
Brad Smith
Reader Contributor
Like many other local skiers and riders, I was curious to see what the acquisition of Schweitzer by Alterra Mountain Company (AMC) would mean for lift …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
The end of the ski season at Schweitzer is always a little bittersweet. Everyone down in the valley is rejoicing at the first warm days …
By Reader Staff
With more than three feet of natural snowfall and a head start on snowmaking, Schweitzer will open early for a bonus weekend of skiing and riding Saturday, …
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