Let’s talk about the vote
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
The Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, and others, have been involved for many years in the effort to protect the Scotchman Peaks as wilderness to …
By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor
The Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, and others, have been involved for many years in the effort to protect the Scotchman Peaks as wilderness to …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
The advisory vote may be over, but the proposed Scotchman Peaks wilderness was still at the forefront of discussion Tuesday at the Bonner County Commissioners’ …
By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
The primary election Tuesday night was nothing less than momentous in its impact, dealing fundamental changes to several offices and a serious blow to wilderness …
Scotchman Peaks: Multi-use is best option
By Tony McDermott
Reader Contributor
There is no doubt that the FSP, ICL, IFG, former BC commission chairman Cary Kelly, and the USFS are …
By Alan Harper
Reader Contributor
We have a healthy timber industry in North Idaho. A forester by trade, I have always made my living in the woods. For the last …
By U.S. Senator Jim Risch
Reader Contributor
When you vote next month in the primary election, language will be included on the ballot asking the community to decide “Do you …
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff
Bonner County commissioners voted Tuesday to keep the Scotchman Peaks advisory vote in its previously approved form, despite a request from Samuels resident Dan Rose …
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