Tagged: pets

I wanted a barn cat

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

I’m a dog person.

Most people can make assertions about what kind of person that makes me, and they’d likely be right. I am outgoing, …

Happy birthday, Sgt. Pepper

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

When Janice Simeone adopted a barn cat from a neighbor in 1996, she also became the owner of that cat’s four kittens. More incredible than …

Paws and all

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

Many in Bonner County consider both the human and non-human needs of their household equally important. With that in mind, several local organizations are teaming …

Pet pearlies

By Dr. Dawn Mehra
Reader Contributor

Does your pet’s mouth smell like dirty socks or day old fish? If so, he/she might be suffering from halitosis putting him/her at risk …

Pet owners: Stop leaving bags behind

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Here at the Reader, we hear from our loyal readers about every subject under the sun. One particularly smelly subject involves pet waste, or …

For the love of the animals

By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff

The times, they are a-changin’ at Panhandle Animal Shelter (PAS). And in many ways, Sandpoint is changing along with it.

Mandy Evans, PAS executive director, …

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