Sandpoint Showstoppers offers drama opportunities for local youth

By Reader Staff

If you know a third- through sixth-grader with an interest in learning about the dramatic arts through entertaining, interactive activities with their peers, check out Pend Oreille Arts Council’s new after-school theater program: “Sandpoint Showstoppers.”

POAC’s newest educational outreach is a five-week session starting Friday, May 7 and continuing weekly on Fridays, 3-4:30 p.m., through June 4. This initial session is the first in a three-part series to be offered throughout the 2021-’22 school year, designed to prepare students with an understanding of the dramatic arts before they have the opportunity to audition for a Showstoppers’ play in the future. A chief goal of the program is to present annual theatrical performances involving local students in all aspects of the productions.

Instructor and program founder Courtney Roberts. Courtesy photo.

“We are excited to kick off this educational pilot program with instructor Courtney Roberts, who brings a wealth of theatrical experience and a passion for working with young people,” said POAC Executive Director Tone Lund. “Kids will enjoy expressing themselves creatively and have fun learning new skills.” 

In addition to in-class activities each Friday, students will keep a drama journal to keep track of lessons and complete small homework assignments given at the end of each class. 

“I am overjoyed to partner with Pend Oreille Arts Council to create our Sandpoint Showstoppers program,” Roberts said. “Theater and performing arts give young people the opportunity to break out of their shell, build new friendships and embrace their creative side. It is a dream come true to provide that exact opportunity for youth in Sandpoint.”

POAC is dedicated to providing quality educational experiences in the performing arts for students who may otherwise not have these opportunities. While this program is free and open to Bonner County students currently in the third through sixth grades, class size is limited, with registration acceptance on a first come, first served basis. Applications are available online at, or at the POAC office at 110 Main St., Suite 101 in downtown Sandpoint. 

For more information call 208-263-6139.

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