Sandpoint Ceramics opens inside Cedar St. Bridge

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Sandpoint is many things to many people, but one of its most prominent identities is as an arts town. This weekend, the arts community will welcome another outlet for creation and fun.

Sandpoint Ceramics is hosting a grand opening on Saturday, Aug. 31 from 3-6 p.m. in Suite No. 206 inside the Cedar Street Bridge in Sandpoint. There will be appetizers, beer and wine available, as well as a raffle to win a free two-day ceramic handbuilding workshop.

The new business will serve as a community clay studio offering classes, workshops and events in ceramic handbuilding. There will also be potter’s wheel experiences, homeschool group classes, paint-and-sip events and handmade pottery for sale in the studio, which features views of Sand Creek and the mountains.

“We have something for all ages and skill levels,” said owner Jamie Danielson, who added that she discovered her knack for 3-D artistry when she took her first pottery class in 2009.

“I completely fell in love with the entire process of working with clay and decided I needed to do this for the rest of my life,” she said. 

Danielson earned a bachelor’s degree in studio art with a focus on ceramics, a teaching credential and finally a master’s degree in educational leadership. Soon after, she began teaching high-school ceramics and art.

“When my husband, two daughters and I moved to Sandpoint, I discovered there was a huge void in the community,” she said. “We have year-round outdoor recreation, wonderful restaurants, wineries and breweries and a vibrant arts and music scene, but no ceramics studios!”

To learn more about Sandpoint Ceramics, attend their grand opening on Saturday, Aug. 31, or visit

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