Reader Quick Hits: April 27, 2020

  • In the daily update sent out Monday, April 27, the Panhandle Health District reported 65 cases of novel coronavirus in North Idaho: 61 in Kootenai County, and four in Bonner County. Bonner County has held at four confirmed cases since Friday, April 10. Stay up-to-date on the most recent case counts at
  • Today marks three weeks and a day until the deadline to request a primary absentee ballot from the Bonner County Elections office. Ballot requests can be sent via mail, email or fax. Filled out ballots are due back in the elections office by June 2. Visit to learn more.

    Unsplash / Lars Blankers.

  • Some happy potato news: Idaho farmers are giving surplus potatoes away, since the pandemic killed demand from restaurants, etc. As one person described the scene at Cranney Farms in Oakley: “We basically saw a mountain of potatoes. There were just a handful of people there when we were there, and they (farmers) were saying, ‘take as many as you can take.’” Read the heart warmer here.
  • Wondering how musicians are weathering the COVID-19 storm? NPR is sharing nuggets of advice, movie recommendations, recipes and more from artists across genres on their “Our Daily Breather” blog. Check it out.

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