PSNI sets Cottage’s grand opening event

By Kathy Hubbard
Reader Contributor

If you haven’t been out to see Panhandle Special Needs, Inc.’s unique thrift store, now is the time to do it. The Cottage, full of every household item you could possibly want or need, has moved across the street from its previous location, and the PSNI staff, volunteers and developmentally disabled clients are holding a grand opening on Saturday, July 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the new 1407 N. Boyer Ave. location.

Lemonade and cookies will be served while customers shop for slightly used furniture, kitchen tools, china, flatware, clever gifts, books, knickknacks and lots of other unusual items for their homes. For every purchase, attendees will be entered to win a special prize.

Revenue from The Cottage goes to support the special needs population in Bonner and Boundary counties. Developmentally disabled clients work at The Cottage to learn all aspects of retail sales. From learning how to display merchandise to helping customers carry out larger purchases, PSNI clients are taught skills that help them become independent members of society. The organization helps more than 200 clients each year learn to live, work and play more independently.

The new location for The Cottage is the first part of the first phase of developing a service complex for the future needs of PSNI. As the nonprofit begins implementing a capital campaign, shoppers at The Cottage will contribute to the effort.

The Cottage is always looking for donations of usable household items, though does not accept mattresses or clothes. Donations can be delivered to 1407 N. Boyer Ave. To get more information and make monetary donations, go to

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