POAC announces upcoming performing arts series

Tickets and season passes now on sale

By Reader Staff

Announced as part of its annual ArtWalk kickoff on June 16, the Pend Oreille Arts Council’s 2023-’24 Performing Arts Series lineup includes eclectic performances in everything from indie folk to classical piano and modern dance to spoken word. 

The season kicks off in the fall and continues through the spring, with all performances presented at the historic Panida Theater (300 N. First Ave.). 

Concert pianist Tien Hsieh will perform at the Panida Theater Wednesday,
Feb. 14. Courtesy photo.

Tickets went on sale June 17, with prices ranging from $5-40 per show, and a limited number of POAC season passes available at $199 for discounted admittance to all seven shows.

Upcoming shows are as follows:

Wednesday, Sept. 27: Repertory Dance Theater 

Experience a magical evening of modern dance performed by one of the oldest and most respected dance companies in the country. Tickets $35 adult, $10 youth.

Saturday, Oct. 28: Jarbe Mexicano

Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with “Bordeno-Soul” music from north and south of the border. Tickets $35 adult, $10 youth.

Saturday, Nov. 18: Missoula Children’s Theater presents King Arthur’s Quest

The ever-popular community theater event, casting a host of local children of all ages for a production of the fairytale classic. Tickets $20 adult, $10 youth.

Thursday, Jan. 18: Letters Aloud presents The Road to Fame

Private letters read in public: The wildly popular show currently sweeping the nation, full of entertainment and laughter. Tickets $35 adult, $10 youth.

Wednesday, Feb. 14: Tien Hsieh, Concert Pianist

Spend the perfect Valentine’s Day with someone you love serenaded by the renowned Steinway artist who has become a Sandpoint favorite. Complimentary glass of champagne for those over 21 years old. Tickets $40 adult, $10 youth.

Tuesday, March 5: The Sweet Remains

Multi-instrumental indie folk-rock band with lush harmonies. Tickets $30 adult, $10 youth.

Friday, April 12: Dino Lights

A visual and audio delight the whole family will enjoy. Tickets $30 adult, $10 youth.

Visiting performers will also participate in POAC’s Ovations program, a free K-12 outreach that provides quality educational experiences in the performing arts for students who would otherwise not have these opportunities. In addition to all public performances at the Panida Theater, workshops, performances and outreach programs are planned throughout the year in the Lake Pend Oreille School District.

“From classical to contemporary musicians, dancers, actors and spoken word artists, POAC has a long tradition of presenting culturally diverse performances, geared for audiences of all ages, at affordable prices,” said POAC Executive Director Tone Stolz. “We are thrilled to present a new season of exceptional artistic quality, theatrical excitement and inspiration to the Sandpoint community through the performing arts.”

A limited number of POAC season passes are available and fully transferable. Tickets are available for purchase online at artinsandpoint.org, by calling 208-263-6139 or by visiting the POAC office at 110 Main Street, Suite 101 in downtown Sandpoint. 

Sponsorship opportunities are also available for POAC’s Performing Arts Series, and for individual shows. Call the POAC office for details.

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