NAMI walks toward hope

By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff

Friends and members of the Far North chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness will gather Saturday, Oct. 5 with all other national chapters as part of the NAMIWalks campaign, which is intended to build community and raise awareness for mental health resources.

“NAMIWalks is the largest, most vibrant mental health event series in the country. Taking place in more than 150 locations, NAMIWalks invites supporters to share their stories, build community and walk together to achieve mental health for all,” said Far North President Dawn Mehra.

Supporters are invited to meet in the VCA North Idaho Animal Hospital parking lot (320 S. Ella St.) and walk together along the Sandpoint-Dover Community Trail before returning to enjoy a host of community activities. Three-piece western band One Dog Down will provide live music for the event, which will include free massages, T-shirts, mental health resource tables and a kids’ activity station hosted by Litehouse YMCA.

Mehra thanked NAMI’s local sponsors for helping to make the event free for all. Attendees are encouraged to donate to help NAMI reach its $13,000 fundraising goal, which will help provide free support and education programs, sailing sessions with Dogsmile Adventures and skiing adventures with Sandpoint Nordic Club.

This past year, much of the organization’s fundraising has been devoted to the Sand Creek Clubhouse (513 N. Fourth Ave.), which is set to open in November. The meeting place will be Idaho’s first branch of Clubhouse International, which provides care, classes and community for people living with serious mental illness.

NAMI intends to serve approximately 100 individuals in Bonner and Boundary counties in the first year.

“We are excited to bring our community together for this meaningful event,” said Clubhouse co-Founder Maria Corsini in a recent news release. “By walking and raising awareness we want to ensure that everyone has access to the support and resources they need to thrive.”

To register for the walk, or to donate, visit or call 208-597-2047.

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