Lakes Commission reschedules meeting on Albeni Falls Dam gate replacement project

U.S. Army Corps announces lake level will rise 3 feet on flexible winter pool operations

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

The anticipated meeting of the Lakes Commission on Thursday, Jan. 9 will be rescheduled to Friday, Jan. 10, as the previous date has been declared a national day of mourning for late-President Jimmy Carter, who died Dec. 29, 2024 at the age of 100.

Representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other officials were scheduled to present updates on the Albeni Falls Dam gate replacement project; but, since Jan. 9 will be a federal holiday, most employees will be taking the day off.

The rescheduled meeting will now take place Jan. 10 from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Sandpoint Organic Agriculture Center (10881 N. Boyer Road). Those who wish to attend remotely can do so by registering via Zoom at

Meanwhile, the Lakes Commission reported that the Bonneville Power Administration has requested flexible winter pool operations on Lake Pend Oreille, which the Corps will accommodate with a temporary increase in the lake level over the next few weeks.

According to a message forwarded by the Corps and shared by the Lakes Commission, Lake Pend Oreille will be raised by three feet, then lowered as water is released to generate power.

Flexible winter pool operations are controlled under an agreement with BPA that allows the federal agency to ask that Lake Pend Oreille be raised up to five feet during the winter months and lowered to generate power during periods of higher demand.

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