Idaho Gives kicks off April 23

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

North Idahoans well know the positive effect nonprofits can have on communities. Meanwhile, the negative impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic is also becoming more and more apparent, making charitable organizations more important than ever. 

The annual statewide fundraising event Idaho Gives aims to give those organizations a boost. Scheduled this year from Thursday, April 23 to Thursday, May 7 and hosted by the Idaho Nonprofit Center, the event offers a convenient opportunity to support nonprofits when people need them most.

Many nonprofits throughout Bonner County will be participating in the event, which consolidates organization information online for an easy donation process. Idaho Gives organizers also offer prizes and rewards to nonprofits that meet certain participation criteria, enhancing the fundraising opportunity. For example, the nonprofit that receives the first donation of the event on April 23 at 12 a.m. (Mountain Time) will win an additional $1,000 from Idaho Gives. Similar prizes — for completing their Idaho Gives profile, receiving a certain amount of donations within a given time frame and more — will be rewarded throughout the event.

Typically, nonprofits across the state host Idaho Gives events, giving donors a single place to browse and interact with their chosen causes. Due to social distancing orders still in place, Idaho Gives will take place entirely online in 2020.

Idaho Gives organizers are aware of the hindrance required by the COVID-19 pandemic and are extending the event from its traditional weeklong format to two weeks in hopes that more people will participate.

“Now more than ever, the nonprofit sector is in need of support from the state,” said Evin Bask, programs and event manager for the Idaho Nonprofit Center. “We extended the donation time to ensure that every Idahoan is aware and excited to participate in Idaho Gives.”

Visit to find local nonprofits participating in this year’s event.

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