By Cameron Rasmusson
Reader Staff
There’s no sweeter way to help veterans this February than by participating in a candy gram fundraiser organized by First American Title.
Rich Faletto and Tanya Anderson display the chocolate at the center of First American Title’s veterans fundraiser. Photo by Cameron Rasmusson.
According to First American Title Business Development Professional Marcia Phillips, the company chose to focus on veterans issues for its community outreach project this month, sparking the idea for the candy gram fundraiser. Well-supplied with chocolate bars made by local confectionery company Sandpoint Chocolate Bear, First American Title is selling the sweets to raise money for veterans. Even better, for those looking to send someone special a Valentine’s surprise, First American Title Escrow Officer Tanya Anderson will deliver an official candy gram in an Army uniform for just $10.
“Our office made this particular decision to honor our local vets as our annual contribution to our community,” said Phillips. “We approached the VFW to find out what we could do to participate and to bring goodness to the men and women who have served.”
The idea of a candy sale came from Rich Faletto of Trust Vets, who advised the First American Title crew throughout the process. Phillips said it was the ideal follows up an event for the VFW at Life Care Center, which raised funds for the construction of a veteran’s memorabilia display room.
“He told us about the candy sales, and we knew immediately that it would be a good fit for us,” she said.
The candy bars are $3 each and are available at First American Title, Trinity, Chocolate Bear, Route 66, UPS Store, Sears and Burl Wood Dreams. An official candy gram featuring Anderson singing in uniform requires a reservation and costs $10. To reserve a slot, email [email protected] or call 208-263-6833, ext 223.
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