City again seeks bids for Pine Street sidewalk project

By Reader Staff

For the second time, the city of Sandpoint will seek bids for a range of pedestrian improvements along Pine Street between Boyer and Division avenues. 

The sidewalk along the north side of Pine St. in Sandpoint. Photo by Ben Olson.

The project, estimated to cost between $200,000 and $400,000, includes the removal and reconstruction of old sidewalks, construction of new sidewalks and curb ramps, as well as tree removal, traffic controls, asphalt restoration and landscape restoration.    

The city put the Pine Street work out to bid in July 2021 but cancelled the solicitation when no bids came in. This time, bids will be accepted until 2 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 17, with a non-mandatory pre-bid conference scheduled for 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 2 at Sandpoint City Hall, 1123 Lake St. 

Bids will be publicly opened immediately after the Feb. 17 deadline. The opening may be attended in person at the Sandpoint City Council chambers or remotely via Zoom at Registration is required for virtual attendance. 

Find bid documents at under “solicitations.” The bid number is 21-3170-1.

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