Category: Opinion


What we’re thankful for

A Fresh Perspective
By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

This year, I’ve been given the opportunity to feel small. 

This has come partially from my constant consumption of news about the …

A safe holiday season

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

While Thanksgiving is usually a time when family comes together — often for the only time of the year — with COVID-19, many families are …

Mayor’s Roundtable

By Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad
Reader Contributor

The growing community spread of COVID-19 in North Idaho is worrisome. Bonner General Hospital reported on Saturday, Nov. 14 it had moved into …

Scroll no more

By Lyndsie Kiebert
Reader Staff

While having a conversation with a friend about social media usage, she told me she planned to take some time away from Facebook because she …

Dying Twice

By Michael Jacobson
Reader Contributor

Some people don’t know how to make it back. Such is the case with Raymond’s brother, James. He took his own life one day. The …


  • Vote Kunzeman, Woodward, Boeck… Dear Editor, The primary election is approaching on May 15, when our elected officials are most often chosen. Idaho is a predominantly Republican state. The contested races tend to be in the Republican primary. The winner of the primary usually goes on to win the general election in the fall. For ...
  • Weissman is Democrat of Choice… Dear Editor, Two registered Democrats are running for Idaho State Representative Seat A. Bonner County Democrats have guiding principles that they believe in and work for. These include, but are not limited to, the belief that Idaho has a responsibility to educate all students for success, that the role of government ...
  • McDonald Keeps Promises… Dear Editor, Politicians making empty promises of which they can never deliver are a dime a dozen. And it describes Dan McDonald’s Republican primary opponent. The smelter is a hot topic in all of Bonner County. All the facts surrounding the project are not yet available, but Carol Kunzeman has raised her hand in opposition regardless. She hasn’t ...
  • Vote For Englehardt… Dear Editor: I will be voting for Dennis Engelhardt for Bonner County assessor on May 15. After reviewing campaign material from the three Republican candidates, and attending one of the Farm Bureau candidate forums, I am convinced that Dennis is the clear choice for this important public office. Dennis has managed hundreds of ...
  • Englehardt For Assessor… Dear Editor, After speaking to and reading about the candidates for Bonner County Assessor, Engelhardt is the clear choice. He is thoughtful, listens and understands our frustrations with the assessor’s office. He understands the roll of the Assessor is that of an administrator as opposed to an appraiser. Engelhardt’s management and ...
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