Category: Opinion


Home(s) for the holidays

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

The end of December is when many return home for dinners, gifts and gatherings of varying formality. No family looks the same and, often, the …

The art of nothingness

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

There is an art to doing nothing. In this workaday world dominated by how many items we can cram into our daily lives, some might …

A Sandpoint Festivus

By Kaleb Keaton
Reader Contributor

Seinfeld was a sitcom that took the ’90s by storm. It approached society with a unique look on the human condition and the behaviors to …

Confessions of an office junkie

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

Working from home sucks. I get it that many people — including many smart, capable, driven people — absolutely flourish while farting all day into …

Risking for your life

By Chris White
Reader Contributor

“If you want to be brave and reach for the top of the sky, and the farthest point on the horizon, and you know who


  • To Speaker Ryan… Dear Speaker Ryan, My name is Bob Over, and I live in Sagle, Idaho. I am deeply concerned with the direction that you, as the Speaker of the House, and the Republican Party are taking our country. Why is it that you and the Republican Party are so hesitant to stand up for ...
  • Elect Mike Boeck… Dear Editor, We are fortunate to have Mike Boeck running for state representative in District 1A. He is a common sense man of integrity who gets things done. As a fourth-generation North Idahoan, Mike has worked 40 years in the natural resource industry as both a mill manager and timberland manager. He ...
  • State of the Union… Dear Editor, The House/Senate Democrats reaction to the SOTU (State of the Union) was, in my opinion, childish. They couldn’t bring themselves to stand when POTUS celebrated our National Anthem and our flag? Personally, it angered me. But before you sufferers of Partisan Blindness Syndrome (PBS) get your knickers in a ...
  • Scientists Say…? Dear Editor, Enough, already. I find it curious that months later my LTE still evokes responses. I can’t help but get depressed after reading reader comments regarding global warming/climate change. I know that being Bonner County, a certain amount of backwardness is to be expected, if not encouraged, but please folks, ...
  • Follies… Dear Editor, A good cause demands noble means. Helping others is an American heritage, but sadly our present day countrymen have fallen for the old Jesuit fallacy that the end justifies the means. We educate our young people with tainted money from the lottery. This makes many poor so that one ...
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