Category: Opinion


Not far from the tree

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

When I was younger and someone asked where I was from, I’d tell them I was born and raised right here in Sandpoint. They might …

Voices in the Wilderness

By Phil Hough
Reader Contributor

We gather around friends and families during the holiday season — frequently counting our many blessings. While we’re at it, let’s include wild places among …

In the hunt for a few more years

By Tim H. Henney
Reader Contributor

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” Those historic, heroic words were by British …

What the woolly worm told me

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

Everyone knows about the prognosticating powers of the groundhog, recognized each February when Punxutawney Phil does or does not see his shadow, indicating the remaining …

Rural no more?

By Roger and Sandy Sparling
Reader Contributors

On Oct. 20, 2022, the Bonner County Zoning commissioners recommended approval of a zone change for the corner of Vay and Dufort roads. …

Fighting hate groups

By K.L. Huntley
Reader Contributor

Icy roads and a chill blowing down the snow-covered mountains didn’t deter close to 60 souls gathered at Sandpoint’s First Presbyterian Church on the evening …

‘Dear Editor’

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

Things are bad, folks. I say this not as a partisan for any particular political party, but as a son raised in a fuzzy melange …


  • Truth? Dear Editor, I would suggest that Susan Drinkard does some research before spouting off about what is the real truth regarding the movie “Truth.” If she does her research, she will find out that this movie is more fiction than fact and is another attempt to re-write history in an attempt to ...
  • Reagan Vindicated… Dear Editor, It is amusing that Professor Gier begins his rant about lying Republicans with a whopper of his own discredited over thirty years ago. (“The Republican Reign of Error,” February 11, 2016.) With “pants on fire,” the bumbling Reagan, says Gier, “ignorantly claimed” in a 1982 news conference that submarine-launched nuclear ...
  • Kudos… Dear Editor, Kudos to Ben Olson on his most recent editorial on the City of Sandpoint dropping the resolution affirming human rights, inclusion, and non-discrimination. The editorial was on point and eloquently stated. Congratulations are also in order to the Sandpoint Reader on their one-year anniversary. The Reader is an outstanding ...
  • City resolution… Dear Editor, As disappointed as I was with the outcome of the Refugee Resolution I want to thank Mayor Rognstad for his leadership and maturity on the issue. During an extremely difficult time, he was able to see and feel the wedge driven into the heart of Sandpoint community and the divisive ...
  • Immigration… Dear Editor, Consider the Muslim refugee situation in Scandinavia and Europe, remove the blinders, and contemplate reality. Frankly, I’ve had enough of the blinkered, politically correct world of tolerance, diversity, multiculturalism, sensitivity training, compassion, and other feel-good edicts of such importance to the obsessively offended warm and fuzzy crowd. Where is it written ...
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