Category: Opinion


The pesky public

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

In an ideal democracy, a government serves at the behest of its people, not in spite of them. We are oceans away from anything resembling …

Idaho’s three-party system

By Rep. Steve Berch, D-Boise
Reader Contributor

People told me something I’ve never heard before as I was knocking on doors last year: “Stop the crazy!” Voters are concerned about …

U.S. 2 through Sandpoint

By Kody Van Dyk
Special to the Reader

Fifth Avenue, parts of Pine Street and the Dover Highway from Boyer Avenue to the western city limits are part of U.S. …


  • Honor, duty, country… Dear Editor, Honor – Duty – Country, these are words were the foundation of John McCain’s life. Where can these three words find a place in the today’s America? Certainly they will not be among the leadership of the Senate, the House of Representatives or the White House. Nor will they ...
  • BCHRTF Contact Info… Dear Editor, The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force is quite dismayed that recently an attempt to contact us was not successful. We are taking all precautions so this does not happen in the future. We recognize the importance of being responsive to our community and will make every effort to ...
  • Who’s the Real Boogeyman… Dear Editor, The FBI has said that there is no evidence to date that Trump ever met with a Russian figure banned from the United States.  Yet, Trump fired Paul Manafort on Aug. 18, 2016, when he heard that a New York Times report revealed that Trump’s campaign chairman was designated to ...
  • County Should Cooperate… Dear Editor, Regional 9-1-1 will save money and lives by supporting fast, cooperative emergency responses. Contrary to some comments, conversations on regionalizing 9-1-1 operations were initiated more than two years ago in Bonner County. Unfortunately, progress stalled. According to former Bonner County Technology Director Bill Harp, in 2016 Bonner County won a ...
  • In Response… Dear Editor, David Haussler, since you are so interested in science, you may find it interesting that there are receptors in the human brain whose only purpose is to bind with THC, the psychoactive mind altering substance in marijuana. I have a question for you David: Why did your God put these ...
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