Category: Opinion


On natural bodily functions

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

I started my period at 15 years old.

If your first thought after reading that last sentence was that it seemed too personal or too …

Dearly departed

By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff

The honor roll of departed community icons is getting uncomfortably long. With the passing March 13 of Erik Daarstad, at age 87, Sandpoint has lost …

On dogs

By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff

This month marks my dog’s fifth birthday. I’ve come to learn in the past five years that, when it comes to knowing and loving an …


  • Shelby for mayor… Dear Editor, In the past weeks, I’ve explained what we’ve accomplished in my 8 years of public service. I’ve laid out my vision for keeping Sandpoint vibrant.  But that doesn’t fully capture why I’m running for Mayor. I’m running because I care deeply about this place. I want to see Sandpoint ...
  • Shelby the best candidate… Dear Editor, For 3 years, I’ve been serving on Sandpoint’s Pedestrian + Bicycle Advisory Committee with other citizens and Councilman Shelby Rognstad. This experience has shown me that Shelby would be a terrific mayor. He’s thoughtful and considerate, while realistic about improvements on our safety recommendations. Shelby’s vision to create the 25-mile ...
  • A choice in candidates… Dear Editor, Four years ago, Mo Dunkel ran for mayor of Sandpoint. He lost the election, but not his opportunity to participate in City government. He has NOT participated. He has NOT joined a City committee (choices include: Planning & Zoning, Arts, Parks & Rec, Pedestrian & Bicycle, Tree, and Historical). ...
  • Impending lawsuit… Dear Editor, I must inform you of my impending suit against the Reader.  My eyeballs strained so hard trying to read the map of the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail, (Oct. 8 issue) that they got hernias!  Seriously though, for those “older” people that read the Reader, a blown up map ...
  • Rebuttal to a rebuttal… Dear Editor, Golly Ben, did I get under your skin? What surprised me most about your rebuttal to my Oct. 15th letter (“Expletive deleted…”) is how you took the low road and made it a personal attack of me. You made it personal Ben, why? Are you that insecure? In fact, ...
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