Category: Opinion
Anthems or anathema, Christmas music is part of our identity
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
It was the day before Halloween when I heard the first Christmas song of 2023.
I was thumbing through some costume ideas at a local …
Idahoans value Medicaid; GOP should follow their lead
Rep. Lauren Necochea, D-Boise
Reader Contributor
With the holiday season upon us, I’m reminded of the ways in which we care for one another. One of the best ways we …
A Few Thoughts … on Miracles
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
We’ve been arguing forever about how we became a species. True, some don’t argue. They just believe one way or another, or accept that they …
Grateful memories
‘Home’ is a moveable feast
By Zach Hagadone
Images of Thanksgiving — at least the idealized ones — are of tables loaded with food in cozy, home-feeling places that are …
Voices in the Wilderness
By Deb Hunsicker
Reader Contributor
“There’s some kind of animal down there.” I shift my attention from the bag of trail mix I’m focused on and scan the area my …
November surprise — Part 2
By Luke Omodt,
County Commissioner Dist. 3
Reader Contributor
On July 26, 2023, Sheriff Daryl Wheeler issued a public release incorrectly stating that the fairgrounds financial activity was to be …
Emily Articulated: Generosity
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
I came across a recent Facebook post on the Sandpoint Forum page so lovely that I spent the better part of a morning following its …
Celebrity worship is peak cringe
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
After college, I spent about five years living and working in Los Angeles. The plan was to break into writing and directing movies, but the …
- (anti) War Films… Dear Editor, In the Reader’s salute to veterans issue (November 12, 2015) where the editor and publisher listed their favorite war films, I think it would have been more meaningful if the Reader had also solicited a veteran’s choice for war films. As a U.S. Army veteran here are my two unsolicited ...
- Scotchman Peaks… Dear Editor, In Mr. Myers’ letter (Nov. 5) disapproving of the proposed Wilderness designation for the Scotchman Peaks, he stated that there are many Bonner County residents who feel as he does. I am certain that he is absolutely correct on this point, since I am unable to think of anything ...
- Drug crisis… Dear Editor, I am writing about the vicious drug crisis that continues in Bonner County. There are several locals, under the age of 25, sitting in Bonner County jail for recurring drug offenses. One person is jailed now, for violating felony probation for the second time, with a criminal record in both ...
- Keep public lands public… Dear Editor, As a college senior at the University of Idaho, the pressure to know what’s next is palpable. Inevitably the dreaded question comes up: “What’s next after graduation?” Concerns over opportunity and quality of life ultimately dictate the decision we make when we decide should we stay or should we ...
- Mayoral thank you… Dear Editor, This is my opportunity to send out a big THANK YOU to the voters of Sandpoint for their 73.3% support of the Memorial Field project. What an awesome outcome! Planning will begin immediately for the construction documents, schedule, bids and construction. Thanks again, voters; we honor and respect your trust. Mayor Carrie Logan Sandpoint