Voters need to press local government to take care of stray dogs
By Mark Hon
Reader Contributor
If your beloved dog went missing, and was found alone, sick or injured, what would you want to have happen to it? Would you want …
By Mark Hon
Reader Contributor
If your beloved dog went missing, and was found alone, sick or injured, what would you want to have happen to it? Would you want …
By Katie Botkin
Reader Contributor
Public input and has already had an effect on the controversial draft Land Use Map developed by the Bonner County Planning Commission.
At its July …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
When the former director of the East Bonner County Library resigned in early 2024, trustees embarked on a monthslong nationwide search for a replacement. After …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
There’s a patch of shade behind my house hidden under the drooping boughs of ocean spray shrubs. The only markers now separating it from the …
By Jennifer Ekstrom
Reader Contributor
The thought of Fernie, British Columbia conjures images of a quaint Rocky Mountain town that’s a haven for adventure and travelers; full of small-town charm, …
By Linda Navarre and Todd Crossett, co-chairs, BCHRTF Members
Reader Contributors
“It means a great deal to those who are oppressed to know that they are not alone. Never let …
By Chris White
Reader Contributor
“What do you think, can he handle this pitch?”
“No, he’s too little to handle that much heat.”
“Ahh, let’s see what he can do …
By Steve Sanchez
Reader Contributor
A local is someone who lives here — really lives here.
A local is invested in their community. They work here and volunteer here. They …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
“Hell is other people.”
— Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit
I had a severe allergic reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine while in college. My joints swelled …
By K.L. Huntley
Reader Contributor
I always loved the story of the young people participating in the Special Olympics in Seattle almost 50 years ago. It was the 100-yard dash, …
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