Mother, homemaker, world builder
By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff
Recently, upon a Christmas tidings visit to the Reader office, Publisher Ben Olson asked me a perfectly polite and simple question. It was something along …
By Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey
Reader Staff
Recently, upon a Christmas tidings visit to the Reader office, Publisher Ben Olson asked me a perfectly polite and simple question. It was something along …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
It’s time to write something clever about the new year. Or at least something. We get an extra day in 2024, and we get to …
By Tom Eddy
Reader Contributor
Welcome to the new year from Schweitzer Ski Patrol! January looks to bring new (and much needed) snow to the region, and also the National …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Over the course of the new year, Hollywood will embrace its growing trend of trodding familiar ground. While there are some intriguing original film concepts …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
With the dawn of a new year, the Reader passed an important milestone: The second iteration of our alt-weekly (started in January 2015) is officially …
By Mike Wagoner
Reader contributor
It was right about the time I got my first real job… teaching school… when I decided to get a dog. I had taught that …
By Emily Erickson
Reader Columnist
I recently came across an article, the title of which grabbed me so tightly that I was forced to stop — mid-charge of a busy …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
Kids are the creators and caretakers of humanity’s wisdom. Without their innocence, curiosity and ability to dream, none of our great creations or feats would …
By Zach Hagadone
Reader Staff
We’ve been doing these retrospectives every year since 2020, and so far the ’20s have lived up to their reputation for being “roaring.” Just reading …
The Sandpoint Reader is our town's local, independent weekly newspaper. "Independent" means that the Reader is locally owned, in a partnership between Publisher Ben Olson and Keokee Co. Publishing, the media company owned by Chris Bessler that also publishes Sandpoint Magazine and Sandpoint Online. Sandpoint Reader LLC is a completely independent business unit; no big newspaper group or corporate conglomerate or billionaire owner dictates our editorial policy. And we want the news, opinion and lifestyle stories we report to be freely available to all interested readers - so unlike many other newspapers and media websites, we have NO PAYWALL on our website. The Reader relies wholly on the support of our valued advertisers, as well as readers who voluntarily contribute. Want to ensure that local, independent journalism survives in our town? You can help support the Reader for as little as $1.