By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Bigger isn’t always better, but what about a whole heck of a lot of a small thing?
Fair warning to Sandpoint residents and business owners: …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
Bigger isn’t always better, but what about a whole heck of a lot of a small thing?
Fair warning to Sandpoint residents and business owners: …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
Members of Bonner and Boundary counties have come together in a grassroots effort, Library Love Letters, to lessen the political divisiveness surrounding Idaho’s libraries. The …
By Conor Baranski
Reader Staff
As a high-school teacher, father of one boy and one girl, and just someone who is curious about society, the statistical decline of young men …
By Sandy Compton
Reader Columnist
I’ve not been writing a lot of late — mostly, just this column. The best days of writing are dark and wet, when I’m glad …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
When choosing the theme for the 2024 Fourth of July parade, the Sandpoint Lions Club decided to honor Sandpoint’s history with the theme “Back to …
By Brenden Bobby
Reader Columnist
Trigger warning: If you’re squeamish, turn the page. I love telling this story for its gross-out effect, but it’s pretty graphic. You’ve been warned. — …
By Soncirey Mitchell
Reader Staff
Local filmmakers will celebrate the culmination of more than a year’s worth of work with the premiere of Missouri Breaks: The Ballad of Missouri Bill…
By Ranel Hanson
Reader Columnist
“Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly.”
— Pablo Neruda
This is the month gardeners wait …
By Ben Olson
Reader Staff
There is a burning question in the minds of many KRFY Panhandle Community Radio listeners: Who is this “Otto” and where does he find the …
By Reader Staff
Anyone who has dined out in Sandpoint knows we are lucky to have so many talented local chefs for such a small town. Hosted by the Greater …
The Sandpoint Reader is our town's local, independent weekly newspaper. "Independent" means that the Reader is locally owned, in a partnership between Publisher Ben Olson and Keokee Co. Publishing, the media company owned by Chris Bessler that also publishes Sandpoint Magazine and Sandpoint Online. Sandpoint Reader LLC is a completely independent business unit; no big newspaper group or corporate conglomerate or billionaire owner dictates our editorial policy. And we want the news, opinion and lifestyle stories we report to be freely available to all interested readers - so unlike many other newspapers and media websites, we have NO PAYWALL on our website. The Reader relies wholly on the support of our valued advertisers, as well as readers who voluntarily contribute. Want to ensure that local, independent journalism survives in our town? You can help support the Reader for as little as $1.