The Hive hosts triple-header weekend of concerts

Electronic power trio, funk-infused eight-piece and Metallica tribute packed into one weekend

By Reader Staff

The Hive is throwing down with a smorgasbord of live music this weekend.

Yak Attack. Courtesy photo

First up, electronic power trio Yak Attack will join forces with funk-driven fusion band Cytrus at 8 p.m. on Friday, March 14.

Portland, Ore.-based Yak Attack’s music spans a variety of electronic genres, including house, trance, breakbeat, drum and trap. The trio mixes elements of jazz, funk and psych to culminate in a unique live performance that features lush soundscapes, dynamic improvisation and DJ-like transitions in continuous sets. 

Listen to Yak Attack at

Cytrus. Courtesy photo.

Sharing the bill that night will be eight-piece funk-driven fusion band Cytrus, which combines a psychedelic offering of funk, disco, electronic, rock, hip-hop, prog rock and more. Based in Seattle and known for producing juicy synth sounds and bass-induced grooves, Cytrus is renowned for its cinematic live performances and flowing transitions in a consistently energetic wall of sound.

Hear Cytrus at

Blistered Earth (with Metallica). Courtesy photos.

Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door.

Rounding out the weekend will be Blistered Earth, a Metallica tribute at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 15.

Formed in 2009, Blistered Earth set out to become the definitive tribute band to Metallica and its members have spent the past decade and a half doing just that.

Hailing from Spokane, the band has played close to 1,000 shows, proving to be one of the hardest working bands in the business.

The band suffered a major setback in 2016, when a trailer containing all of its gear was stolen while on tour. News of the theft made it to Metallica’s James Hetfield and he, along with the other members of Metallica, not only made arrangements to have the gear replaced, but were even provided Blistered Earth the actual gear from their previous tour.

Metallica has also welcomed Blistered Earth as special guests at select shows over the years.

Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 the day of the show.

Visit for more information about upcoming shows at The Hive.

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