ID Dept. of Lands gathering comments on Idaho Club Trestle Creek project

Two-day public hearing set for Oct. 7-8

By Reader Staff

The deadline is approaching for public comment to the Idaho Department of Lands on the Idaho Club’s proposed Trestle Creek development project, which envisions an 88-slip commercial marina, breakwater, pedestrian bridge and parking lot, as well as seven houses with corresponding private docks near the mouth of the waterway.

Trestle Creek. Courtesy photo.

Comments are due to IDL by Monday, Oct. 7, with submissions taken via email at [email protected].

Meanwhile, an in-person, two-day public evidentiary hearing is scheduled on the project for Monday, Oct. 7 and Tuesday, Oct. 8 at the Sandpoint High School auditorium (410 S. Division Ave.).

The hearing, which is scheduled to run 5 p.m.-8 p.m. on both days, will be conducted by the Office of Administrative Hearings and will focus on the application for encroachment and modifications made to the proposal since the initial application.

Public comment will also be taken on Oct. 7 and, should testimony run over the allotted time, more will be taken on Oct. 8.

Specific information regarding the application is available at:

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