Public meeting to feature updates on Albeni Falls Dam gate replacement project

By Reader Staff

Representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be on hand Monday, Oct. 7 for a public meeting covering topics including dam operations and the latest updates on the Albeni Falls Dam spillway gate repair and replacement project.

The meeting is scheduled to run from 6-8 p.m. at the Ponderay Events Center (401 Bonner Mall Way, in Ponderay).

Officials have been working since April to ensure the safe functioning of Albeni Falls Dam, after one of its spillway gates was found to be suffering from structural damage due to the delamination of steel used in the construction of the gate in the 1950s.

The Corps removed the faulty gate, which resulted in lessened output at the dam and a subsequent delay in raising the lake to its full summer pool level of 2,062.5 feet. 

Albeni Falls Dam on the Pend Oreille River, which controls the level of Lake Pend Oreille. Photo courtesy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Officials undertook a further analysis of the other 10 spillway gates — which were all manufactured at the same time — and suspect that they, too, have the same steel defect and will need to be replaced.

“At this time, it’s not known exactly how long each gate will take to manufacture,” Corps Public Affairs Specialist Nicole Celestine told the Reader in a Sept. 4 email.

Meanwhile, the seasonal drawdown of Lake Pend Oreille began in late September and will continue until it reaches the winter target elevation of 2,051-2,051.5 feet no later than Nov. 15. The lake will hold at that level until the completion of kokanee fish spawning, which typically ends in late December.

Those unable to attend the Oct. 7 meeting in person are invited to participate online at The meeting ID is 993 794 098 670, with  passcode AxQaV8. Alternately, participants may dial in at 1-601-262-2433, with the phone conference ID 643 7463# 

To receive email notifications for Albeni Falls Dam outflow changes and short-term lake elevation projections, email [email protected] and request to be added.

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