General Mojo’s bring their psychedelic rock sound to Eichardt’s

By Ben Olson
Reader Staff

Seattle’s shimmering psych rock quartet General Mojo’s are not strangers to Sandpoint.

The band’s upcoming gig at Eichardt’s Pub at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 4 marks a half-dozen times the band has brought their unique, ethereal and funky sound to Sandpoint. 

“We’ve really found a home away from home there in Sandpoint with Robb Talbott and Mattox Farm,” bassist Dune Butler told the Reader. 

Butler and bandmates Natalie Colvin (keys), Raoul Hardin (drums) and David James (guitar) all contribute vocals and Butler said he writes most of the songs.

“We first came out to Sandpoint with a band named Biddadat, where two of their members are from,” Butler said, referring to Cameron Brownell and Kyle Miller — Sandpoint High School grads who make up two-thirds of the neo-funk band.

Since then, General Mojo’s has played Summerfest, Schweitzer, Eichardt’s and the Jack Frost Fest. Each time they return, they bring a unique hybrid of psychedelic rock mixed with pop  and synth elements, atmospheric vocals and overdriven guitars that combine to create an energetic, dynamic performance.

The band is touring to support its upcoming album, The Flat Earth Project, with two new singles dropped to streaming services this week.

Butler pointed out that he and his bandmates are not believers in the “Flat Earth,” a fringe theory that claims the Earth is not a globe, but is flat (spoiler alert: it’s round).

“It’s a concept,” Butler explained about the name. “The record is steeped in metaphor. It’s about people not being willing to look at the reality of a situation and move on when they see what is obviously true. The world is definitely round.”

7 p.m., FREE, Eichardt’s Pub, 212 Cedar St., 208-263-4005. Visit and listen at

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